In the fall of 1945, three Sisters of Mercy opened St. Dominic School in the basement of the church on Crescent Drive. During that year, the property and white frame house, on the corner of Crescent and Center Street were purchased to house the school and convent. Classes were held in the downstairs rooms of the house using card tables and chairs as desks. The kindergarten was also part of the early school and was the first kindergarten to be opened in Kingsport. Enrollment that first year began with 25 pupils and ended with 43 pupils. In 1951, a newly built, modern, brick school was proudly opened for classes. In 1968, additional classrooms, a library, and a gym-cafeteria were added to accommodate the growing population. This is the school you see today. 1986 brought about the beginning of the preschool program and the before/after school program.